Barefoot Bulletin October 2024 | Page 12

paradise GOES PINK


Forget fall colors — everyone is pretty in pink and playing for a cause at Latitude Margaritaville during the annual October Breast Cancer Awareness Month . In fact , throughout October , Latitude Margaritaville Daytona Beach , Hilton Head and Watersound residents don pink and participate in fun with a purpose to raise money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer .

“ Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a celebration of courage and hope ,” says Latitude Margaritaville Lifestyle Director Ramona Ward . “ We remember those lost to breast cancer and celebrate the survivors and thrivers . Breast cancer has touched all of us in some way and it is truly uplifting to see the support for this cause expressed by Latitude Margaritaville residents . It ’ s always all hands-on deck across all Latitude Margaritaville communities for these events ,” notes Lifestyle Director Ramona Ward .

Latitude Margaritaville Ambassadors of Fun join with residents in creating a full roster of events for the month and everyone gets involved . There are breast health seminars and support groups to provide a resource and support line for residents as well as fashion shows , silent auctions and Sip & Shop for a Cause . There also is a whole host of creatively named competitions to raise funds . To name just a few : Walks for Pink , a Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head Fins Ball tournament , Dinks for Pink Pickleball competitions , Sink for Pink ( golf ), Toss for Tata ’ s ( cornhole ), Bocce for Boobies and more .