Latitude Margaritaville Day of Service events included beach cleanups and giving helping hands to a children ’ s home . Latitude Margaritaville Daytona Beach residents partnered with Daytona Dog Beach , Inc ., for a Daytona Dog Beach cleanup . The Latitude Margaritaville Daytona Beach Foundation also donated funds to Daytona Dog Beach , Inc . to help them in their mission to support and educate the public in furtherance of dog friendly beaches in the Greater Daytona Beach area .
Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head partnered with The Outside Foundation for a beach cleanup at Burkes Beach on Hilton Head Island . Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head Foundation also donated funds to The Outside Foundation to support their mission to involve youth in outdoor experiences to teach them about the importance of a healthy ecosystem .
Latitude Margaritaville Watersound residents partnered with Anchorage Children ’ s Home , organizing their food pantry , and assisting with property cleanup . Latitude Margaritaville Watersound Foundation also donated funds to support the non-profit in its work of providing emergency shelter , transitional living , maternity transitional living , counseling , case management and outreach services to abused and homeless youth and their families .
It was an all-round wonderful day of friends gathering to help friends and community — followed by a refreshing beverage concoction , and bite to eat back home at Latitude Margaritaville !