Before clearing had started After clearing has started
According to Brian Cale , vice president of land development for Latitude Margaritaville , “ We received our county development order earlier this month . That allows us to start the land clearing process . Our site development contractor has begun the very careful clearing process to preserve the many beautiful trees and other amazing natural assets of the property . Determining spatial orientation to maximize views of the water is also very important .”
He notes that , although clearing and construction activities have started , the intensive planning process continues . “ We will continue to have frequent team sessions to ensure that everything is perfect right down to the most minute details ,” says Cale .
Those details are mind boggling with a list that never seems to end . “ Now we ’ re really digging into the small details of everything from plumbing and lighting fixtures to finishing details such as colors , textures , materials , counter tops and more to finalize all of those kinds of things ,” says Len Capozzo , vice president of community planning for Minto Communities . “ We ’ re making sure we have plenty of planting spaces and the needed hardscape materials , identifying where we ’ re placing pavers , planning for the final detailing of the pool and all of those types of things .”
“ Everything goes in different stages ,” says Capozzo . “ You have the original concept then it ’ s like you ’ re whittling away a piece of wood or filling in a blank sheet of paper . We whittle until we get a basic direction then take that and refine it in the design development process . Once that ’ s developed , we go to construction documents and plan everything from how things go together from a structural standpoint to aesthetics , including interior design . It ’ s a process with the action steps becoming more and more refined as planning moves forward — right down to the very last detail .”