Margaritaville Perks is a complete departure from the traditional everyday loyalty program . With no points , levels to reach , or waiting for qualification , Margaritaville Perks offers guests simple and immediate perks , value-adds , and benefits to make the already-memorable and exciting experiences at Margaritaville Hotels & Resorts and Compass Hotels across the globe even more personalized , memorable , and rewarding . As a Margaritaville Perks member , you ’ re eligible to receive personalized Perks every time you book direct to stay with us at Margaritaville .
EXCLUSIVE PERKS Margaritaville Perks are different at each hotel , resort , or destination and can be selected by the guest during their booking process or at the front desk . Some of the available surprises and delights include :
Cocktails & Concoctions Welcome Amenities Fruit & Cheese Plate Movie Pack Early Check-In